Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Reconstruction

PCL injuries occur during sports-related activities or high-velocity, traumatic accidents. Indications for operative treatment of PCL tears include acute injuries, active young patients, and either isolated grade 3 tears or combined injuries, such as a grade 2 injury with posterolateral corner instability.

Arthrex developed several techniques for isolated PCL injuries—including PCL inlay reconstruction, double-bundle PCL reconstruction, and the transtibial PCL RetroConstruction™ procedure—that can be combined with multiligament or posterolateral corner reconstruction.

Additionally, a comprehensive line of PCL reconstruction instrumentation is available for a variety of PCL reconstruction techniques, as well as autografts and allografts and single- or double-bundle options.

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PCL injuries occur during sports-related activities or high-velocity, traumatic accidents. Indications for operative treatment of PCL tears include acute injuries, active young patients, and either isolated grade 3 tears or combined injuries, such as a grade 2 injury with posterolateral corner instability.

Arthrex developed several techniques for isolated PCL injuries—including PCL inlay reconstruction, double-bundle PCL reconstruction, and the transtibial PCL RetroConstruction™ procedure—that can be combined with multiligament or posterolateral corner reconstruction.

Additionally, a comprehensive line of PCL reconstruction instrumentation is available for a variety of PCL reconstruction techniques, as well as autografts and allografts and single- or double-bundle options.

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Educational Resources and Products

Double-Bundle PCLR Using All-Soft-Tissue Achilles Graft Prepared With FiberTag® TightRope® Implants

Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 09:42 | English | 10/20/2021 | VID1-002776-en-US A

Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Reconstruction with PCL TightRope®

Surgical Technique Animations | 01:53 | English | 01/17/2012 | AN1-00113-EN A

Surgical Technique Videos (9)

All-Inside PCL Reconstruction Using a Quadriceps Tendon Autograft
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction Using a Quadriceps Tendon Autograft
Kendall Hamilton, MD
13:42 | English | 10/20/2022 | VID1-003422-en-US A
PCL Reconstruction Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
PCL Reconstruction Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
Bruce A. Levy, MD
05:49 | English | 10/27/2021 | VID1-00888-en-US B
Double-Bundle PCLR Using All-Soft-Tissue Achilles Graft Prepared With FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
Double-Bundle PCLR Using All-Soft-Tissue Achilles Graft Prepared With FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
09:42 | English | 10/20/2021 | VID1-002776-en-US A
GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction Using TightRope® II Implant With InternalBrace™ Technique
GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction Using TightRope® II Implant With InternalBrace™ Technique
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
18:24 | English | 06/30/2021 | VID1-001858-en-US A
ACL and PCL Reconstruction With the FlipCutter® III Drill
ACL and PCL Reconstruction With the FlipCutter® III Drill
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
10:35 | English | 09/09/2019 | VID1-000549-en-US A
GraftLink® All-Inside ACL/PCL Reconstruction
GraftLink® All-Inside ACL/PCL Reconstruction
Bruce A. Levy, MD
13:11 | English | 05/16/2018 | VID1-00827-EN E
PCL Reconstruction with Achilles Graft Using FiberLoop® with FiberTag™ Rip-Stop Technique
PCL Reconstruction with Achilles Graft Using FiberLoop® with FiberTag™ Rip-Stop Technique
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
13:27 | English | 03/28/2016 | VID1-00740-EN A
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction: Using the PCL GraftLink®
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction: Using the PCL GraftLink®
Bruce A. Levy, MD
12:58 | English | 06/05/2014 | VID1-00028-EN A
Simplified Posterior Portal Creation and Cannula Insertion Using the Knee Obturator
Simplified Posterior Portal Creation and Cannula Insertion Using the Knee Obturator
Joel Boyd, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:23 | English | 05/13/2013 | VID1-0190-EN A

Surgical Technique Animations (2)

FlipCutter® III Drill
FlipCutter® III Drill
01:55 | English | 01/07/2020 | AN1-000049-en-US D
Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Reconstruction with PCL TightRope®
Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Reconstruction with PCL TightRope®
01:53 | English | 01/17/2012 | AN1-00113-EN A

Surgical Technique Guides (3)

GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction
GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction
English | 12/02/2019 | LT1-0103-EN E
Knee Obturator for Posterior Portals
Knee Obturator for Posterior Portals
English | 03/08/2013 | LT1-0190-EN A

Brochures (8)

Innovation in Graft Preparation and Suture Management
Innovation in Graft Preparation and Suture Management
English | 01/12/2024 | LB1-00140-EN C
ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
English | 10/19/2021 | DOC1-000588-en-US A
FlipCutter® III Drill
FlipCutter® III Drill
English | 08/17/2021 | DOC1-000530-en-US B
GraftPro® Graft Preparation System
GraftPro® Graft Preparation System
English | 08/20/2020 | LB1-00043-EN D

Case Presentation Videos (2)

Knee Dislocation Case Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
Knee Dislocation Case Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
Gordon Mackay, MD
06:07 | English | 03/24/2023 | VID1-003283-en-US A
PCLR: There Is a Better Way
PCLR: There Is a Better Way
George F. Rick Hatch III, MD
10:17 | English | 12/07/2021 | VID1-002891-en-US A

Patient Education Animations (1)

Inlay PCL Reconstruction with PCL TightRope® Technique
Inlay PCL Reconstruction with PCL TightRope® Technique
02:04 | English | 08/07/2017 | PAN1-00225-EN D

Presentation Videos (5)

Advancements in All-Inside ACL/PCL Reconstruction
Advancements in All-Inside ACL/PCL Reconstruction
Elizabeth G. Matzkin, MD
12:20 | English | 01/15/2020 | VID1-000739-en-US A
GraftLink® Technique for Multiligament Knee Reconstruction
GraftLink® Technique for Multiligament Knee Reconstruction
Bruce A. Levy, MD
09:48 | English | 04/04/2017 | VPT1-00829-EN A
ACL/PCL Graft Options and Preparation
ACL/PCL Graft Options and Preparation
Professor Adrian Wilson, BSC, FRCS, MBBS
05:26 | English | 09/05/2014 | VPT1-00262-EN A
PCL All-Inside Reconstruction
PCL All-Inside Reconstruction
Joel Boyd, MD
14:41 | English | 02/27/2014 | VPT1-00203-EN A
Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Surgical Technique
Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Surgical Technique
Jim Bradley, MD
11:15 | English | 05/06/2013 | VPT1-0033-EN A

Product Demonstrations (1)

Scientific Updates (3)

InternalBrace™ Technique: Knee Applications
InternalBrace™ Technique: Knee Applications
English | 09/26/2024 | DOC1-000161-en-US I
Primary Cruciate Ligament Repair Scientific Update
Primary Cruciate Ligament Repair Scientific Update
English | 06/07/2022 | LA1-00055-EN N
RetroConstruction™ Technique Scientific Update
RetroConstruction™ Technique Scientific Update
English | 07/18/2016 | LA1-00042-EN A

Tray Lists (1)

GraftPro® Graft Preparation (AR-2950DS)
GraftPro® Graft Preparation (AR-2950DS)
English | 10/26/2021 | DOC1-000132-en-US C

White Papers (2)

Customer ServiceLatex Information