Educational Resources and Products
Hip Distraction System Traction Boot II Product Demonstration
John Gualdoni
Product Demonstrations | 07:31 | English | 02/07/2022 | VID1-002966-en-US A
Hip Distraction System
Brochures | English | 06/28/2023 | LB1-0369-EN F
Arthrex Hip Distraction System
John Gualdoni
Product Demonstrations | 06:54 | English | 07/16/2019 | VID1-000286-en-US A
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Surgical Technique Guides (1)
Hip Labral Repair Using the Knotless SutureTak® Anchor Surgical Technique
English | 02/08/2021 | LT1-00074-EN C
Agreements (1)
Arthrex HDS Rental Agreement (PRO123)
English | 01/29/2016 | AG1-100-EN B
Brochures (8)
Hip Product Spotlight
English | 02/19/2025 | evBR1-002490-en-US G
Arthroscopy Limb Positioners
English | 08/16/2024 | LB1-0202-EN P
Arthrex Armour Technology Protection
English | 06/04/2024 | LB1-00141-en-US J
Hip Distraction System
English | 06/28/2023 | LB1-0369-EN F
If You Treat Hips Arthroscopically...Think Arthrex
English | 02/21/2017 | LS1-00046-EN B
Sistema de distração para quadril. Soluções avançadas para cirurgia e artroscopia de quadril em posição supina
Portuguese | 10/07/2014 | LB1-0369-PT A
Hüftdistraktionssystem - Patientenlagerung und Gelenkpositionierung für Hüftarthroskopien in Rückenlage
German | 08/02/2013 | LB1-0369-DE A
Sistema de Distracción de Cadera - Soluciones avanzadas para procedimientos artroscópicos de la cadera en posición supina
Spanish | 07/11/2013 | LB1-0369-ES A
Case Presentation Videos (1)
Catalogs (1)
Hip Next Generation in Soft-Tissue Repair and Reconstruction
English | 08/30/2024 | LB1-0313-EN AA
Presentation Videos (3)
Post vs Postless Hip Arthroscopy Debate
John Christoforetti, MD
25:15 | English | 02/01/2023 | VID1-003746-en-US A
Arthrex® Hip Distractor: Tips and Pearls for Optimal Use
John Christoforetti, MD
08:50 | English | 08/12/2015 | VID1-00480-EN A
Hip Arthroscopy: Setup, Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), Labral Repair and Reconstruction
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
13:15 | English | 10/24/2014 | VPT1-00345-EN A
Product Demonstrations (6)
Hip Distraction System Traction Boot II Product Demonstration
John Gualdoni
07:31 | English | 02/07/2022 | VID1-002966-en-US A
Hip Distraction System Product Feature
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
05:42 | English | 02/11/2014 | VID1-00070-EN A
Arthrex HDS Hip Distraction System: 2nd Generation Boot Strap Configuration Tutorial
03:11 | English | 12/31/2013 | VID1-00013-EN A
Reference Charts (2)
Hip Distraction System (HDS) Setup Instructions
English | 08/21/2024 | LR1-0369-EN D
Instrucciones para el montaje del sistema de distracción de cadera (HDS)
Spanish | 12/02/2020 | LR1-0369-es-NT C
Surgeon Newsletters (1)
Scope This Out - Volume 24, Number 2
English | 09/15/2023 | LN1-000522-en-US A