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Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (3)
GraftLink® All-Inside ACL/PCL Reconstruction
Bruce A. Levy, MD
13:11 | English | 05/16/2018 | VID1-00827-EN E
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction: Using the PCL GraftLink®
Bruce A. Levy, MD
12:58 | English | 06/05/2014 | VID1-00028-EN A
Simplified Posterior Portal Creation and Cannula Insertion Using the Knee Obturator
Joel Boyd, MD
06:23 | English | 05/13/2013 | VID1-0190-EN A
Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (7)
GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction
English | 12/02/2019 | LT1-0103-EN E
Minimally Invasive PCL Reconstruction with Allograft GraftLink® TS Construct
English | 05/18/2018 | LT1-00086-EN A
Transtibial PCL Reconstruction
English | 03/22/2018 | LT1-0104-EN H
PCL Double Bundle-Rekonstruktion
German | 11/05/2013 | LT1-0192-DE A
Obturador de Rodilla para Portales Posteriores
Spanish | 07/03/2013 | LT1-0190-ES A
Knee Obturator for Posterior Portals
English | 03/08/2013 | LT1-0190-EN A
Double Bundle PCL Reconstruction
English | 10/04/2011 | LT0192 F
Catálogos (1)
Knee Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction
English | 12/30/2024 | LB1-0115-en-US AD
Folletos (2)
SlapDriver Interference Screwdriver
English | 06/17/2021 | DOC1-000527-en-US A
SlapDriver Interference Screwdriver System
English | 04/27/2021 | LB1-000290-en-US A
Video presentaciones (3)
All-Inside GraftLink® PCL Reconstruction
Michael J. Stuart, MD
16:10 | English | 06/24/2015 | VPT1-00537-EN A
Arthroscopic Inlay PCL Surgical Technique
Jim Bradley, MD
11:15 | English | 05/06/2013 | VPT1-0033-EN A
Videos de demostración de productos (3)
Graft Preparation Using the GraftLink® Technique With the ACL TightRope® II Implant and SutureTape
J. Lee Pace, MD
10:19 | English | 12/12/2022 | VID1-003667-en-US A
MPFL Graft Preparation Using FiberLoop® SutureTape
J. Lee Pace, MD
10:54 | English | 12/09/2022 | VID1-003666-en-US A
PCL ToolBox Demonstration
03:12 | English | 12/05/2013 | VID1-00006-EN A