Rotator Cuff Healing Using an Interpositional FlexiGRAFT® Demineralized Cancellous Bone Sponge

Matthew Smith, MD, (Columbia, MO) provides a detailed overviewof a canine rotator cuff repair study analyzing the benefit of using theFlexiGRAFT® Demineralized Sponge hydrated with PRP as an interpositionalgraft. The FlexiGRAFT line ofdemineralized bone matrices is comprised of 100% bone. They have excellent handling characteristicsand wick up bioactive fluids such as platelet rich plasma and bone marrowconcentrate. Basic science evidence inaddition to this study supports the concept of a FlexiGRAFT DemineralizedSponge serving as an osteoconductive scaffold with osteoinductive potential atthe bone to tendon junction for rotator cuff repairs, helping to induce a morenatural reparative tissue.

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