Recursos educacionais e produtos
Partial-Thickness Gluteus Medius Repair Using the 2.6 Knotless FiberTak® Soft Anchor
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 07:35 | English | 10/20/2021 | VID1-002121-en-US A
Knotless Compression Bridge Technique for Repair of an Undersurface Tear of the Gluteus Medius
Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas | 01:45 | English | 04/21/2021 | AN1-000266-en-US A
Endoscopic SpeedBridge™ Abductor Tendon Repair With ArthroFLEX® Allograft Augmentation
Carlos Guanche, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 12:48 | English | 11/13/2018 | VID1-01427-EN A
Gluteus Medius Tendon Augmentation With Allograft
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
Vídeos apresentações de casos | 08:53 | English | 04/28/2021 | VID1-002123-en-US A
Knotless Compression Bridge Technique Using the Gluteus Medius Tendon Repair Implant System
Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 08/27/2021 | LT1-000181-en-US C
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Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas (1)
Knotless Compression Bridge Technique Using the Gluteus Medius Tendon Repair Implant System
English | 08/27/2021 | LT1-000181-en-US C
Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas (1)
Knotless Compression Bridge Technique for Repair of an Undersurface Tear of the Gluteus Medius
01:45 | English | 04/21/2021 | AN1-000266-en-US A
Apresentação vídeos (2)
Arthroscopic vs. Open Treatment of Gluteus Medius Tears
Misty Suri, MD
05:03 | English | 07/19/2016 | VPT1-00671-EN A
Hip Arthroscopy: Current State of the Literature and Future Direction of Research
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
12:07 | English | 07/18/2016 | VPT1-00667-EN A
Brochuras (1)
Hip Product Spotlight
English | 02/19/2025 | evBR1-002490-en-US G
Catálogos (1)
Hip Next Generation in Soft-Tissue Repair and Reconstruction
English | 08/30/2024 | LB1-0313-EN AA
Vídeos apresentações de casos (3)
Hip Abductor Tendon Repair and Augmentation Techniques Using Tensionable Knotless Technology
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
10:36 | English | 02/27/2023 | VID1-003815-en-US A
Gluteus Medius Repair Using Knotless 2.6 FiberTak® Anchors
John Christoforetti, MD
14:13 | English | 12/29/2022 | VID1-003741-en-US A
Gluteus Medius Tendon Augmentation With Allograft
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
08:53 | English | 04/28/2021 | VID1-002123-en-US A
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas (6)
Endoscopic Double-Row Gluteus Medius Repair Using the Gluteus Medius Repair System
Benton A. Emblom, MD
07:48 | English | 09/26/2024 | VID1-006673-en-US A
Partial-Thickness Gluteus Medius Repair Using the 2.6 Knotless FiberTak® Soft Anchor
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
07:35 | English | 10/20/2021 | VID1-002121-en-US A
Tension Compression Bridge for Partial Undersurface Tears of the Abductor Tendons
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
08:41 | English | 07/08/2019 | VID1-000184-en-US A
Endoscopic SpeedBridge™ Abductor Tendon Repair With ArthroFLEX® Allograft Augmentation
Carlos Guanche, MD
12:48 | English | 11/13/2018 | VID1-01427-EN A
Gluteus Medius Repair Using a Transtendinous Approach
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
11:09 | English | 08/03/2015 | VID1-00074-EN A