Coletor GraftNet™ para tecido autólogo

O dispositivo GraftNet ativado por sucção foi concebido para coletar tecido autólogo em inúmeras aplicações. Conectado a um shaver artroscópico, o dispositivo GraftNet pode ser usado para remover resíduos teciduais do sítio cirúrgico. Esse tecido autólogo recuperado é coletado em uma câmera filtrada e estéril de fácil acesso. O coletor GraftNet de tecido autólogo facilita o acesso a tecidos para autoenxerto (Resect and Collect™).

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O dispositivo GraftNet ativado por sucção foi concebido para coletar tecido autólogo em inúmeras aplicações. Conectado a um shaver artroscópico, o dispositivo GraftNet pode ser usado para remover resíduos teciduais do sítio cirúrgico. Esse tecido autólogo recuperado é coletado em uma câmera filtrada e estéril de fácil acesso. O coletor GraftNet de tecido autólogo facilita o acesso a tecidos para autoenxerto (Resect and Collect™).

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GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector

GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector

Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 02/16/2023 | LB1-000004-en-US D

Articular Cartilage Repair Using Autologous Tissue Collected With the GraftNet™ Device

Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas | 01:53 | English | 01/12/2021 | AN1-000044-en-US A
Arthroscopic Hip Preservation
Arthroscopic Hip Preservation
Michael Huang, MD
Apresentação vídeos | 15:12 | English | 10/08/2019 | VID1-000400-en-US A
Biologic Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repair: The Subacromial Bursal Tissue
Biologic Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repair: The Subacromial Bursal Tissue
Augustus Mazzocca, MD
Apresentação vídeos | 11:12 | English | 05/11/2021 | VID1-001943-en-US A
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Knee Using the GraftNet™ Device
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Knee Using the GraftNet™ Device
Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD
Vídeos apresentações de casos | 06:17 | English | 02/28/2022 | VID1-002609-en-US A

Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas (2)

GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
English | 02/16/2023 | LB1-000004-en-US D
BioACL™ Surgical Technique
BioACL™ Surgical Technique
English | 10/26/2021 | LT1-000198-en-US B

Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas (2)

GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector: Bone Collection
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector: Bone Collection
01:28 | English | 01/05/2021 | AN1-000054-en-US B

Apresentação vídeos (3)

Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair Using the GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair Using the GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
James Gregory, MD
06:21 | English | 04/26/2022 | VID1-000905-en-US B
Biologic Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repair: The Subacromial Bursal Tissue
Biologic Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repair: The Subacromial Bursal Tissue
Augustus Mazzocca, MD
11:12 | English | 05/11/2021 | VID1-001943-en-US A
Arthroscopic Hip Preservation
Arthroscopic Hip Preservation
Michael Huang, MD
15:12 | English | 10/08/2019 | VID1-000400-en-US A

Atualizações científicas (1)

Boletins para cirurgiões (1)

Scope This Out - Volume 24, Number 2
Scope This Out - Volume 24, Number 2
English | 09/15/2023 | LN1-000522-en-US A

Brochuras (1)

PowerPick™ Instruments
PowerPick™ Instruments
English | 05/01/2023 | LB1-0645-EN E

Catálogos (1)

Orthobiologics - Next Generation in Biologics Technology
Orthobiologics - Next Generation in Biologics Technology
English | 02/10/2025 | LB1-0804-en-US R

Guias de codificação (2)

Literatura para a educação do paciente (1)

Cartilage Damage Is Treatable
Cartilage Damage Is Treatable
English | 10/22/2024 | pLB1-000498-en-US A

Vídeos apresentações de casos (17)

Subacromial Bursal Reimplantation Using the GraftNet™ Device
Subacromial Bursal Reimplantation Using the GraftNet™ Device
James M. Gregory, MD
06:01 | English | 02/03/2025 | VID1-004164-en-US A
1st MTP Cartiva® Implant Revision With Arthrex Orthobiologics
1st MTP Cartiva® Implant Revision With Arthrex Orthobiologics
Joseph K. Park, DPM
03:24 | English | 01/27/2025 | VID1-006814-en-US A
MIS Hallux Interphalangeal Joint (IPJ) Fusion With Biological Augmentation
MIS Hallux Interphalangeal Joint (IPJ) Fusion With Biological Augmentation
Joseph K. Park, DPM
01:51 | English | 01/15/2025 | VID1-006815-en-US A
Subtalar Fusion Augmented With Arthrex Orthobiologics Solutions
Subtalar Fusion Augmented With Arthrex Orthobiologics Solutions
Joseph K. Park, DPM
02:34 | English | 01/14/2025 | VID1-006816-en-US A
Scientific Overview: Subacromial Bursa for Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation
Scientific Overview: Subacromial Bursa for Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation
James M. Gregory, MD
08:05 | English | 06/27/2024 | VID1-006129-en-US A
Using the GraftNet™ Device for BTB ACL Reconstruction Backfill
Using the GraftNet™ Device for BTB ACL Reconstruction Backfill
Rachel M. Frank, MD
05:12 | English | 04/29/2024 | VID1-005762-en-US A
Treatment of a Symptomatic Patellar Cartilage Defect Using the AutoCart™ Procedure
Treatment of a Symptomatic Patellar Cartilage Defect Using the AutoCart™ Procedure
Johannes Holz, MD
03:36 | English | 11/15/2023 | VID1-003990-en-US A
Foot and Ankle Arthroscopic Arthrodesis Augmented Using the GraftNet™ Device
Foot and Ankle Arthroscopic Arthrodesis Augmented Using the GraftNet™ Device
Casey Pyle, DO
07:35 | English | 11/16/2022 | VID1-003577-en-US A
AutoCart™ Procedure for an Articular Cartilage Lesion of the Condoyle
AutoCart™ Procedure for an Articular Cartilage Lesion of the Condoyle
Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA
Case Presentation Videos | 04:25 | English | 02/28/2022 | VID1-000688-en-US B
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Knee Using the GraftNet™ Device
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Knee Using the GraftNet™ Device
Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 06:17 | English | 02/28/2022 | VID1-002609-en-US A
Biologic Repair of Acetabular Cyst Using the IntraOsseous BioPlasty System and AutoCart™ Procedure
Biologic Repair of Acetabular Cyst Using the IntraOsseous BioPlasty System and AutoCart™ Procedure
Brian D. Giordano, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 09:26 | English | 02/22/2022 | VID1-000938-en-US B
AutoCart™ Procedure for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions
AutoCart™ Procedure for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions
Jason M. Scopp, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 04:35 | English | 02/09/2022 | VID1-000875-en-US B
Improving Outcomes Through Biologic ACL Augmentation
Improving Outcomes Through Biologic ACL Augmentation
Chad Lavender, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 09:59 | English | 11/22/2021 | VID1-002883-en-US A
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Hip: Applications and Technique With the GraftNet™ Collector
AutoCart™ Procedure in the Hip: Applications and Technique With the GraftNet™ Collector
Travis Maak, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 09:33 | English | 01/05/2021 | VID1-001801-en-US A
Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented With Subacromial Bursa Using the GraftNet™ Device
Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented With Subacromial Bursa Using the GraftNet™ Device
James Gregory, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 06:23 | English | 12/01/2020 | VID1-000919-en-US A
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector for Augment of an ACL Reconstruction Procedure
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector for Augment of an ACL Reconstruction Procedure
Walter R. Lowe, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 03:20 | English | 11/16/2020 | VID1-000703-en-US B

Vídeos de demonstração de produtos (2)

GraftNet™ Device for Bone Graft Harvesting in MIS Spine Surgery
GraftNet™ Device for Bone Graft Harvesting in MIS Spine Surgery
Andrew Clavenna, MD
02:56 | English | 06/27/2023 | VID1-003689-en-US A
AutoCart™ Procedure for Cartilage Lesions in the Hip
AutoCart™ Procedure for Cartilage Lesions in the Hip
Asheesh Bedi, MD
03:28 | English | 02/15/2022 | VID1-000540-en-US C

Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas (8)

AutoCart™ Surgical Technique
AutoCart™ Surgical Technique
Gian Salzmann, MD
08:13 | English | 03/26/2024 | VID1-005647-en-US A
AutoCart™ Procedure for an Osteochondral Defect of the Trochlea
AutoCart™ Procedure for an Osteochondral Defect of the Trochlea
James J. Guerra, MD
07:44 | English | 02/14/2022 | VID1-000292-en-US B
Treatment of Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus Using the AutoCart™ Procedure
Treatment of Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus Using the AutoCart™ Procedure
Christopher D. Kreulen, MD, MS
04:38 | English | 02/14/2022 | VID1-000225-en-US B
AutoCart™ Procedure for Cartilage Lesions in the Knee
AutoCart™ Procedure for Cartilage Lesions in the Knee
Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA
07:36 | English | 02/11/2022 | VID1-000063-en-US B
All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Using AlloSync™ Pure Implant and the GraftNet™ Device
All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Using AlloSync™ Pure Implant and the GraftNet™ Device
Chad Lavender, MD
06:47 | English | 12/24/2019 | VID1-000385-en-US A
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector BTB Harvest Site Backfill
GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector BTB Harvest Site Backfill
Orr Limpisvasti, MD
04:04 | English | 02/28/2019 | VID1-000061-en-US A

White Papers (1)