Recursos educacionais e produtos
CMC Suspensionplasty Using DX SwiveLock® With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Steven J. Lee, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 10:05 | English | 10/27/2021 | VID1-00796-en-US C
The Arthrex Mini TightRope® Implant
Jeff Yao, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 09:37 | English | 12/08/2017 | VID1-00185-EN B
LRTI Procedure Using the Arthrex Bio-Tenodesis™ Screw for Thumb Basilar Arthritis
Dennis Sagini, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 08:27 | English | 07/01/2013 | VID1-0405-EN A
LRTI Procedure Using the Arthrex Tenodesis Screw for Thumb Basilar Arthritis
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 04:17 | English | 07/03/2013 | VID1-0410-EN A
Ligament Reconstruction - Tendon Interposition for Thumb CMC Arthritis
Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 10/10/2016 | LT1-0410-EN D
CMC Suspensionplasty With APL Graft and InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas | 01:57 | English | 10/29/2021 | AN1-00233-en-US E
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Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas (6)
CMC Suspensionplasty With the FiberLock™ Suspension System
English | 06/29/2022 | LT1-000216-en-US B
CMC APL Suspensionplasty With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
English | 09/21/2021 | LT1-00078-EN D
Mini TightRope® CMC Fixation
English | 08/16/2021 | LT1-0427-en-US I
Ligament Reconstruction - Tendon Interposition for Thumb CMC Arthritis
English | 10/10/2016 | LT1-0410-EN D
Reconstrução ligamentar e interposição de tendão para artrite da CMC do polegar
Portuguese | 05/04/2016 | LT1-0410-PT C
Bandrekonstruktion Sehneninterpositionsplastik bei der Rhizarthrose
German | 02/03/2014 | LT1-0410-DE A
Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas (2)
CMC Suspensionplasty With APL Graft and InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
01:57 | English | 10/29/2021 | AN1-00233-en-US E
Arthrex CMC Ligament Reconstruction
01:04 | English | 10/21/2014 | AN1-00010-EN A
Boletins para cirurgiões (2)
Arthrex® Presents: New Technology Update in Hand & Wrist Surgery - Winter 2017
English | 12/02/2021 | LN1-00009-EN B
Arthrex Presents: Breakthroughs in Hand and Wrist Technology Summer 2020
English | 10/20/2020 | LN1-000259-en-US A
Brochuras (2)
Flexible Hand Model (DS-253) Demo Card
English | 04/26/2023 | DOC1-000558-en-US A
Bio-Tenodesis™ Screw System
English | 09/26/2019 | LB1-0505-EN L
Catálogos (1)
Hand, Wrist, and Elbow - Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction
English | 10/24/2024 | LB1-0415-en-US AB
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas (4)
CMC Suspensionplasty Using DX SwiveLock® With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Steven J. Lee, MD
10:05 | English | 10/27/2021 | VID1-00796-en-US C
LRTI Procedure Using the Arthrex Tenodesis Screw for Thumb Basilar Arthritis
04:17 | English | 07/03/2013 | VID1-0410-EN A
LRTI Procedure Using the Arthrex Bio-Tenodesis™ Screw for Thumb Basilar Arthritis
Dennis Sagini, MD
08:27 | English | 07/01/2013 | VID1-0405-EN A