Implante FiberTag® TightRope®

O implante FiberTag TightRope facilita a fixação de enxertos de extremidade única, como enxertos de tendão quádruplo, aos implantes ACL TightRope RT e ABS. A sutura FiberTag é integrada ao implante TightRope para uma fixação forte e consistente entre a sutura e o laço TightRope. Uma técnica de sutura simplificada, juntamente com a embalagem inovadora e o novo instrumento de preparação de enxertos GraftClamp, tornam a preparação dos enxertos de tendão do quadríceps mais rápida e reproduzível.

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O implante FiberTag TightRope facilita a fixação de enxertos de extremidade única, como enxertos de tendão quádruplo, aos implantes ACL TightRope RT e ABS. A sutura FiberTag é integrada ao implante TightRope para uma fixação forte e consistente entre a sutura e o laço TightRope. Uma técnica de sutura simplificada, juntamente com a embalagem inovadora e o novo instrumento de preparação de enxertos GraftClamp, tornam a preparação dos enxertos de tendão do quadríceps mais rápida e reproduzível.

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QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using FiberTag® TightRope® II Implants and InternalBrace™ Technique

Walter R. Lowe, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 10:31 | English | 08/18/2023 | VID1-003951-en-US A

QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With LET Using Knee FiberTak® FiberStaple™ Technique

Harris Slone, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 14:33 | English | 08/18/2023 | VID1-004026-en-US A
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With a Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Using Knee FiberTak® Anchors
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With a Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Using Knee FiberTak® Anchors
John W. Xerogeanes, MD
Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas | 20:24 | English | 08/15/2023 | VID1-004027-en-US A
QuadLink™ All-Epiphyseal, All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Using  the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
QuadLink™ All-Epiphyseal, All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Using the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 03/18/2022 | LT1-0161-EN C
QuadLink™ Graft Preparation With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
QuadLink™ Graft Preparation With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 01/27/2022 | LT1-000010-en-US D

Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas (4)

Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas (2)

FiberTag® TightRope® II Graft Preparation
FiberTag® TightRope® II Graft Preparation
03:50 | English | 03/03/2023 | AN1-000009-en-US C
QuadPro™ Tendon Harvester Graft Harvesting System
QuadPro™ Tendon Harvester Graft Harvesting System
04:19 | English | 03/03/2022 | AN1-000082-en-US C

Apresentação vídeos (1)

ACL Quad Graft: Retrospective Review of 1300 Procedures
ACL Quad Graft: Retrospective Review of 1300 Procedures
John W. Xerogeanes, MD
08:47 | English | 10/21/2021 | VID1-002876-en-US A

Atualizações científicas (1)

Boletins para cirurgiões (1)

Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
English | 06/03/2021 | LN1-000317-en-US A

Brochuras (2)

Knee Product Spotlight
Knee Product Spotlight
English | 02/18/2025 | evBR1-002467-en-US F
FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
English | 11/22/2021 | DOC1-000529-en-US B

Vídeos apresentações de casos (3)

My “Alternative” Graft of Choice
My “Alternative” Graft of Choice
Walter R. Lowe, MD
06:07 | English | 11/23/2021 | VID1-002889-en-US A
ACL Reconstruction: What Is My Graft of Choice?
ACL Reconstruction: What Is My Graft of Choice?
Rachel M. Frank, MD
12:53 | English | 11/22/2021 | VID1-002890-en-US A
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using FiberTag® TightRope® Implant and FlipCutter® III Drill
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using FiberTag® TightRope® Implant and FlipCutter® III Drill
Jason M. Scopp, MD
02:54 | English | 09/09/2020 | VID1-000872-en-US C

Vídeos de demonstração de produtos (1)

FiberTag® TightRope® II Implant With InternalBrace™ Technique Tips and Pearls
FiberTag® TightRope® II Implant With InternalBrace™ Technique Tips and Pearls
Justin Boyle
07:31 | English | 08/01/2023 | VID1-004022-en-US A

Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas (15)

QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using FiberTag® TightRope® II Implants and InternalBrace™ Technique
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using FiberTag® TightRope® II Implants and InternalBrace™ Technique
Walter R. Lowe, MD
10:31 | English | 08/18/2023 | VID1-003951-en-US A
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With LET Using Knee FiberTak® FiberStaple™ Technique
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With LET Using Knee FiberTak® FiberStaple™ Technique
Harris Slone, MD
14:33 | English | 08/18/2023 | VID1-004026-en-US A
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With a Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Using Knee FiberTak® Anchors
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction With a Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Using Knee FiberTak® Anchors
John W. Xerogeanes, MD
20:24 | English | 08/15/2023 | VID1-004027-en-US A
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using the QuadPro™ Harvester and FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
QuadLink™ ACL Reconstruction Using the QuadPro™ Harvester and FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
John W. Xerogeanes, MD
23:44 | English | 11/18/2022 | VID1-002245-en-US B
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction Using a Quadriceps Tendon Autograft
All-Inside PCL Reconstruction Using a Quadriceps Tendon Autograft
Kendall Hamilton, MD
13:42 | English | 10/20/2022 | VID1-003422-en-US A
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction: FiberTag® TightRope® Fixation Using InternalBrace™ Technique
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction: FiberTag® TightRope® Fixation Using InternalBrace™ Technique
John David Adams, MD
15:27 | English | 02/11/2022 | VID1-001540-en-US B
MCL Reconstruction With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant and the InternalBrace™ Technique
MCL Reconstruction With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant and the InternalBrace™ Technique
Michael G. Baraga, MD
07:20 | English | 02/10/2022 | VID1-000895-en-US B
MCL and POL Reconstruction: FiberTag® TightRope® Fixation Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
MCL and POL Reconstruction: FiberTag® TightRope® Fixation Using the InternalBrace™ Technique
Scott T. Watson, MD
07:49 | English | 10/29/2021 | VID1-001542-en-US B
Double-Bundle PCLR Using All-Soft-Tissue Achilles Graft Prepared With FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
Double-Bundle PCLR Using All-Soft-Tissue Achilles Graft Prepared With FiberTag® TightRope® Implants
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 09:42 | English | 10/20/2021 | VID1-002776-en-US A
Minimally Invasive Bone Quad Tendon ACL Reconstruction Using the QuadPro™ Harvester
Minimally Invasive Bone Quad Tendon ACL Reconstruction Using the QuadPro™ Harvester
Jason M. Scopp, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 13:30 | English | 08/27/2021 | VID1-001766-en-US A
Five-Stranded Hamstring Graft Using FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Five-Stranded Hamstring Graft Using FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Travis Maak, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:36 | English | 01/13/2021 | VID1-001800-en-US A
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction With the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Armando F. Vidal, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 19:05 | English | 10/20/2020 | VID1-000795-en-US C
Revision ACL Reconstruction Using the FlipCutter® III Drill
Revision ACL Reconstruction Using the FlipCutter® III Drill
J. Lee Pace, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 11:54 | English | 09/15/2020 | VID1-001188-en-US B
Iliotibial Band Tenodesis Using the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Iliotibial Band Tenodesis Using the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Michael G. Baraga, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 05:15 | English | 06/24/2020 | VID1-000894-en-US A
Quad Tendon Graft Preparation Using the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
Quad Tendon Graft Preparation Using the FiberTag® TightRope® Implant
John W. Xerogeanes, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:38 | English | 11/26/2019 | VID1-000368-en-US B