Recursos educativos y productos
2 Idiomas
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Catálogos (2)
Trauma Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction 2023
English | 03/09/2023 | LB1-000242-en-US E
Foot and Ankle: Next Generation in Foot and Ankle Technology 2023
English | 12/29/2022 | LB1-0450-en-US AH
Folletos (2)
Comprehensive Foot System
English | 11/30/2018 | LB1-0437-EN D
Soluciones Arthrex para el Hallux Valgus
Spanish | 10/26/2010 | LS0453-ES C
Formularios de control de inventario (3)
Inventory Control Form: DualCompression Hindfoot Nail System (AR-9090S)
English | 06/29/2022 | LF1-000123-en-US A
Inventory Control Form: LPS — Forefoot Osteotomy Module - AR-13240S
English | 10/13/2016 | LF1-0430-EN H
Inventory Control Form: LPS - Forefoot Screw System Module - AR-8932S
English | 09/19/2016 | LF1-0434-EN G