
El ancla PushLock es un ancla con sutura sin nudos diseñada para la reparación artroscópica de la inestabilidad o del manguito rotador. Con el diseño singular de las anclas PushLock, el cirujano puede ajustar la cantidad de tensión en el tejido durante la operación, lo que, a su vez, permite la reducción y fijación precisas del tejido. Está disponible en tamaños de 2,9, 3,5 y 4,5 mm. El ancla PushLock de 2,9 mm está optimizado para la reparación del labrum. El ancla PushLock de 4,5 mm se usa para la reparación del manguito rotador como parte de la técnica SutureBridge. El de 3,5 se puede usar para los procedimientos del manguito rotador o de la inestabilidad. El cuerpo del ancla está disponible en material BioComposite o PLLA bioabsorbibles y en PEEK no absorbible. Todos son implantes sólidos, que permiten realizar cambios y transparentes a las ondas radioeléctricas, sin falsas imágenes en RNM. Cada versión utiliza un ojal PEEK que le da mayor resistencia durante la inserción, lo que permite tensionar y hacer cambios al tejido con firmeza.

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El ancla PushLock es un ancla con sutura sin nudos diseñada para la reparación artroscópica de la inestabilidad o del manguito rotador. Con el diseño singular de las anclas PushLock, el cirujano puede ajustar la cantidad de tensión en el tejido durante la operación, lo que, a su vez, permite la reducción y fijación precisas del tejido. Está disponible en tamaños de 2,9, 3,5 y 4,5 mm. El ancla PushLock de 2,9 mm está optimizado para la reparación del labrum. El ancla PushLock de 4,5 mm se usa para la reparación del manguito rotador como parte de la técnica SutureBridge. El de 3,5 se puede usar para los procedimientos del manguito rotador o de la inestabilidad. El cuerpo del ancla está disponible en material BioComposite o PLLA bioabsorbibles y en PEEK no absorbible. Todos son implantes sólidos, que permiten realizar cambios y transparentes a las ondas radioeléctricas, sin falsas imágenes en RNM. Cada versión utiliza un ojal PEEK que le da mayor resistencia durante la inserción, lo que permite tensionar y hacer cambios al tejido con firmeza.

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Recursos educativos y productos

2 Idiomas

Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (16)

SLAP Repair Using FiberStick™ SutureTape With 2.9 mm Short PushLock® Anchors
SLAP Repair Using FiberStick™ SutureTape With 2.9 mm Short PushLock® Anchors
Paul C. Brady, MD
05:25 | English | 02/07/2025 | VID1-006687-en-US A
Bankart Instability Repair Using the PushLock® Anchor and the FiberLink Plus™ SutureTape
Bankart Instability Repair Using the PushLock® Anchor and the FiberLink Plus™ SutureTape
Kyle F. Chun, MD
03:39 | English | 10/20/2020 | VID1-001198-en-US A
Broad Compression Knotless Instability Repair Using the PushLock® Anchor and FiberLink™ SutureTape
Broad Compression Knotless Instability Repair Using the PushLock® Anchor and FiberLink™ SutureTape
Matthew T. Provencher, MD
09:26 | English | 06/01/2020 | VID1-000237-en-US C
Knotless SLAP Repair Using the Short 2.9 mm BioComposite PushLock® Anchor
Knotless SLAP Repair Using the Short 2.9 mm BioComposite PushLock® Anchor
Kyle Anderson, MD
03:48 | English | 05/02/2019 | VID1-00107-EN C
Double Row Labral Repair
Double Row Labral Repair
Steve E. Jordan, MD
07:50 | English | 01/06/2017 | VID1-00828-EN B
Knotless Labral Repair using 2.4 mm BioComposite™ PushLock® Suture Anchor
Knotless Labral Repair using 2.4 mm BioComposite™ PushLock® Suture Anchor
Paul C. Brady, MD
06:03 | English | 05/13/2016 | VID1-00736-EN A
Knotless Instability Repair Utilizing Knotless SutureTak® and PushLock®
Knotless Instability Repair Utilizing Knotless SutureTak® and PushLock®
Stephen S. Burkhart, MD
11:31 | English | 07/13/2015 | VID1-00476-EN A
Posterior Labral Repair Using Short 2.9 mm PushLock® and LabralTape™
Posterior Labral Repair Using Short 2.9 mm PushLock® and LabralTape™
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
09:51 | English | 02/02/2015 | VID1-00212-EN A
Knotless Mattress Stitch SLAP Repair Utilizing the 2.9 mm PushLock® Percutaneous Insertion Kit Cadaveric Demonstration
Knotless Mattress Stitch SLAP Repair Utilizing the 2.9 mm PushLock® Percutaneous Insertion Kit Cadaveric Demonstration
Mark Schickendantz, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 03:05 | English | 01/05/2015 | VID1-00218-EN A
Percutaneous and Knotless Glenoid Labral Fixation Using the 2.9 mm PushLock® Percutaneous Insertion Kit
Percutaneous and Knotless Glenoid Labral Fixation Using the 2.9 mm PushLock® Percutaneous Insertion Kit
Matthew T. Provencher, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 15:15 | English | 11/25/2014 | VID1-00183-EN A
Knotless Pan-Labral Repair Utilizing the PushLock® and LabralTape™
Knotless Pan-Labral Repair Utilizing the PushLock® and LabralTape™
Paul C. Brady, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 03:23 | English | 11/21/2014 | VID1-00263-EN A
Knotless Instability Repair using the PushLock®, SwiveLock® & LabralTape™
Knotless Instability Repair using the PushLock®, SwiveLock® & LabralTape™
Kyle Anderson, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 10:16 | English | 02/24/2014 | VID1-00061-EN A
My Approach to Rotator Cuff Repair
My Approach to Rotator Cuff Repair
Neal ElAttrache, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 21:19 | English | 02/24/2014 | VPT1-00101-EN A
Percutaneous PushLock® Insertion
Percutaneous PushLock® Insertion
Surgical Technique Videos | 01:17 | English | 01/05/2012 | VID1-003549-en-US A
Arthroscopic Bankart Utilizing The PushLock® Anchor
Arthroscopic Bankart Utilizing The PushLock® Anchor
James J. Guerra, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 04:14 | English | 07/23/2008 | DVD-1106_001 A
Arthroscopic Bankart Utilizing the PushLock®  Anchor
Arthroscopic Bankart Utilizing the PushLock® Anchor
Kyle Anderson, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 14:34 | English | 01/21/2008 | DVD-1106_002 A

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas (5)

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
03:04 | English | 02/07/2024 | AN1-000270-en-US D
PushLock® Knotless Instability Repair
PushLock® Knotless Instability Repair
01:00 | English | 04/30/2012 | AN1-00217-EN A
PushLock® Mattress Stitch SLAP Repair
PushLock® Mattress Stitch SLAP Repair
01:21 | English | 03/16/2009 | AN1-000437-en-US A
PushLock® Cinch Stitch with FiberLink™
PushLock® Cinch Stitch with FiberLink™
01:04 | English | 03/16/2009 | AN1-000436-en-US A
PushLock® Simple Stitch with FiberStick™
PushLock® Simple Stitch with FiberStick™
00:56 | English | 03/16/2009 | AN1-000438-en-US A

Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (3)

Animaciones de educación para el paciente (8)

01:33 | Spanish | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00018-ES A
01:44 | German | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00018-DE A
01:44 | French | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00018-FR A
01:44 | Dutch | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00018-NL A
02:08 | Spanish | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00007-ES A
02:04 | German | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00007-DE A
02:04 | French | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00007-FR A
02:08 | Dutch | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00007-NL A

Catálogos (1)

Folletos (2)

CoolCut™ ShaverDrill™ Instruments
CoolCut™ ShaverDrill™ Instruments
English | 02/12/2021 | LB1-000026-en-US C
PushLock® - Reparo de inestabilidade sem nós
PushLock® - Reparo de inestabilidade sem nós
Portuguese | 04/01/2016 | LB1-0520-PT E

Guías de codificación (2)

PushLock® Anchors 2025 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
PushLock® Anchors 2025 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
English | 03/11/2025 | DOC1-001670-en-US A
PushLock® Anchors - 2024 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
PushLock® Anchors - 2024 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
English | 05/28/2024 | DOC1-001286-en-US B

Video presentaciones (13)

Post-SLAP Repair PASTA Lesion in an Overhead Athlete
Post-SLAP Repair PASTA Lesion in an Overhead Athlete
L. Pearce McCarty III, MD
05:05 | English | 07/27/2018 | VPT1-00867-EN B
Anterior and Posterior Shoulder Instability
Anterior and Posterior Shoulder Instability
James E. Voos, MD
08:22 | English | 01/19/2018 | VPT1-00932-EN A
SLAP Lesions and the Overhead Throwing Athlete
SLAP Lesions and the Overhead Throwing Athlete
Chris Ahmad, MD
17:10 | English | 11/11/2016 | VPT1-00694-EN A
SLAP Repair - eve
SLAP Repair - eve
Jim Bradley, MD
14:25 | English | 10/12/2016 | VPT1-00704-EN A
Posterior Instability Repair
Posterior Instability Repair
14:57 | English | 02/29/2016 | VPT1-00595-EN A
Posterior Labral Repairs in Collision Athletes
Posterior Labral Repairs in Collision Athletes
Kyle Anderson, MD
08:56 | English | 03/09/2015 | VPT1-00501-EN A
Latarjet for Treatment of Instability in Rugby Players
Latarjet for Treatment of Instability in Rugby Players
Mark Ferguson, MD
17:39 | English | 01/22/2015 | VPT1-00391-EN A
Anterior Instability and SLAP Repair: Current Concepts
Anterior Instability and SLAP Repair: Current Concepts
Kyle Anderson, MD
08:53 | English | 09/16/2014 | VPT1-00279-EN A
Arthroscopic SLAP Repair Utilizing LabralTape™ and 2.9 mm PushLock® Suture Anchors
Arthroscopic SLAP Repair Utilizing LabralTape™ and 2.9 mm PushLock® Suture Anchors
Jim Bradley, MD
Presentation Videos | 02:27 | English | 05/29/2013 | VID1-003523-en-US A
Knot Tying Studies
Knot Tying Studies
Bryan Hanypsiak, MD
Presentation Videos | 14:16 | English | 03/22/2013 | VPT1-0001-EN A
Case Presentation: What Your Knots Are Doing To The Rotator Cuff
Case Presentation: What Your Knots Are Doing To The Rotator Cuff
Neal ElAttrache, MD
Presentation Videos | 04:56 | English | 02/28/2012 | VPT1-0008-EN A
Double Row Labral Repair: Technique & Indications
Double Row Labral Repair: Technique & Indications
Chris Ahmad, MD
Presentation Videos | 12:13 | English | 02/27/2012 | VPT1-0009-EN A
Managing Glenoid Bone Loss: Bony Bankart Bridge
Managing Glenoid Bone Loss: Bony Bankart Bridge
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
Presentation Videos | 03:52 | English | 02/27/2012 | VPT1-0011-EN A

Video presentaciones de casos (1)

Bipolar Lesion of the Glenohumeral Joint
Bipolar Lesion of the Glenohumeral Joint
Kevin W. Farmer, MD
06:52 | English | 05/08/2020 | VID1-000616-en-US A

White Papers (2)

Información de servicio al clienteInformación sobre el Látex