Sistema de cierre esternal FiberTape®

El sistema de cierre esternal FiberTape es una alternativa 100 % no metálica basada en suturas, en comparación con los alambres metálicos que se usan tradicionalmente para cerrar el esternón después de una cirugía cardíaca. El implante de cierre esternal FiberTape, que se implanta de manera similar a los alambres metálicos, proporciona una compresión fuerte y reproducible que ayuda a apoyar la aproximación y estabilización del esternón.

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El sistema de cierre esternal FiberTape es una alternativa 100 % no metálica basada en suturas, en comparación con los alambres metálicos que se usan tradicionalmente para cerrar el esternón después de una cirugía cardíaca. El implante de cierre esternal FiberTape, que se implanta de manera similar a los alambres metálicos, proporciona una compresión fuerte y reproducible que ayuda a apoyar la aproximación y estabilización del esternón.

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FiberTape® Sternal Closure Technique

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas | 03:13 | English | 05/24/2021 | AN1-000258-en-US A

FiberTape® Sternal Closure

Michael DeFrain, MD
Video presentaciones de casos | 04:44 | English | 07/13/2021 | VID1-002230-en-US A
Median Sternotomy Closure With the FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
Median Sternotomy Closure With the FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
Clarence Owen, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 10:57 | English | 07/26/2021 | VID1-002633-en-US A
FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas | English | 04/21/2021 | LT1-000193-en-US A
Dr. Owen FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Dr. Owen FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Clarence Owen, MD
Videos de segmento de cirujanos | 00:35 | English | 08/23/2021 | VID1-002620-en-US A
Closure of Bilateral Transverse Thoracosternotomy (Clamshell Incision) Using FiberTape® Sternal Closure System for Approximation
Closure of Bilateral Transverse Thoracosternotomy (Clamshell Incision) Using FiberTape® Sternal Closure System for Approximation
Pablo Sanchez, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 05:51 | English | 06/21/2024 | VID1-006023-en-US A

Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (3)

FiberTape® Sternal Closure Using Figure 8 and Dual-Tensioner Technique
FiberTape® Sternal Closure Using Figure 8 and Dual-Tensioner Technique
Patrick Rudersdorf, MD
06:04 | English | 06/21/2024 | VID1-005652-en-US A
Median Sternotomy Closure With the FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
Median Sternotomy Closure With the FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
Clarence Owen, MD
10:57 | English | 07/26/2021 | VID1-002633-en-US A

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)

FiberTape® Sternal Closure Technique
FiberTape® Sternal Closure Technique
03:13 | English | 05/24/2021 | AN1-000258-en-US A

Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)

FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
FiberTape® Sternal Closure System
English | 04/21/2021 | LT1-000193-en-US A

Boletines para cirujanos (1)

Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
English | 06/03/2021 | LN1-000317-en-US A

Folletos (2)

Product Spotlight Cardiothoracic and Biologic Advancements
Product Spotlight Cardiothoracic and Biologic Advancements
English | 08/19/2024 | LB1-000512-en-US A
FiberTape® Sternal Closure
FiberTape® Sternal Closure
English | 06/11/2021 | FL1-000439-en-US A

Pósters (1)

Video presentaciones de casos (3)

FiberTape® Sternal Closure: A Dependable, Robust, and Versatile Closure System
FiberTape® Sternal Closure: A Dependable, Robust, and Versatile Closure System
Ashok Venkataraman, MD
03:19 | English | 01/24/2025 | VID1-006880-en-US A
FiberTape® Sternal Closure
FiberTape® Sternal Closure
Michael DeFrain, MD
04:44 | English | 07/13/2021 | VID1-002230-en-US A

Videos de segmento de cirujanos (4)

Dr. Owen FiberTape Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 2
Dr. Owen FiberTape Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 2
Clarence Owen, MD
00:49 | English | 11/09/2021 | VID1-002622-en-US A
Dr. DiGiorgi FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 2
Dr. DiGiorgi FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 2
Paul DiGiorgi, MD, FACS
00:30 | English | 08/27/2021 | VID1-002224-en-US B
Dr. Owen FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Dr. Owen FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Clarence Owen, MD
00:35 | English | 08/23/2021 | VID1-002620-en-US A
Dr. DiGiorgi FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Dr. DiGiorgi FiberTape® Sternal Closure Surgeon Testimonial Clip 1
Paul DiGiorgi, MD, FACS
00:40 | English | 06/25/2021 | VID1-002223-en-US A

White Papers (1)

Información de servicio al clienteInformación sobre el Látex