Transforaminale endoskopische Diskektomie

Eine transforaminale oder paraspinale Vorgehensweise bietet die Möglichkeit, weit lateral gelegene Bandscheibenvorfälle zu erreichen. Durch die Verwendung einer wirbelsäulenspezifischen Endoskopieoptik werden Weichteilverletzungen minimiert, was zu weniger postoperativen Schmerzen führt.1,2 Darüber hinaus haben Studien gezeigt, dass etwa 85 % der Patienten, die sich einer endoskopischen lumbalen Diskektomie unterzogen haben, bereits nach 6 bis 8 Wochen wieder sportlich aktiv waren.3,4


1. Sairyo K, Matsuura T, Higashino K, et al. Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy for athletes. J Spine. 2013;S5(006):1-4. doi:10.4172/2165-7939.S5-006 ​

2. Sivakanthan S, Williams JR, Feroze AH, et al. Endoscopic spine surgery in athletes: case series and review of literature. World Neurosurg. 2021;145:702-707. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.211

3. Polikandriotis JA, Hudak EM, Perry MW. Minimally invasive surgery through endoscopic laminotomy and foraminotomy for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis. J Orthop. 2013;10(1):13-16. doi:10.1016/j.jor.2013.01.006

4. Ruetten S, Komp M, Merk H, Godolias G. Use of newly developed instruments and endoscopes: Full-endoscopic resection of lumbar disc herniations via the interlaminar and lateral transforaminal approach. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007;6(6):521-530. doi:10.3171/spi.2007.6.6.2

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Eine transforaminale oder paraspinale Vorgehensweise bietet die Möglichkeit, weit lateral gelegene Bandscheibenvorfälle zu erreichen. Durch die Verwendung einer wirbelsäulenspezifischen Endoskopieoptik werden Weichteilverletzungen minimiert, was zu weniger postoperativen Schmerzen führt.1,2 Darüber hinaus haben Studien gezeigt, dass etwa 85 % der Patienten, die sich einer endoskopischen lumbalen Diskektomie unterzogen haben, bereits nach 6 bis 8 Wochen wieder sportlich aktiv waren.3,4


1. Sairyo K, Matsuura T, Higashino K, et al. Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy for athletes. J Spine. 2013;S5(006):1-4. doi:10.4172/2165-7939.S5-006 ​

2. Sivakanthan S, Williams JR, Feroze AH, et al. Endoscopic spine surgery in athletes: case series and review of literature. World Neurosurg. 2021;145:702-707. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.211

3. Polikandriotis JA, Hudak EM, Perry MW. Minimally invasive surgery through endoscopic laminotomy and foraminotomy for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis. J Orthop. 2013;10(1):13-16. doi:10.1016/j.jor.2013.01.006

4. Ruetten S, Komp M, Merk H, Godolias G. Use of newly developed instruments and endoscopes: Full-endoscopic resection of lumbar disc herniations via the interlaminar and lateral transforaminal approach. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007;6(6):521-530. doi:10.3171/spi.2007.6.6.2

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Endoscopic Spine

Endoscopic Spine

Kataloge | English | 02/13/2025 | LB1-000396-en-US F

Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy

Operationstechnik-Animationen | 03:25 | English | 06/11/2024 | AN1-000527-en-US C
Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution
Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution
Diverses | 01:55 | English | 02/12/2024 | VID1-004194-en-US C
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: The Curriculum Pathway
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: The Curriculum Pathway
Diverses | 01:49 | English | 10/12/2023 | VID1-004141-en-US A
A Patient’s Guide to Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
A Patient’s Guide to Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
Literatur zur Patientenaufklärung | English | 10/13/2023 | pLB1-000446-en-US A

Videos - OP-Anleitung (4)

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Cervical Foraminotomy
Mazda Farshad, MD
09:21 | English | 06/12/2024 | VID1-006063-en-US C
Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection for the Endoscopic Spine Surgeon
Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection for the Endoscopic Spine Surgeon
Sohrab Gollogly, MD
03:50 | English | 05/02/2024 | VID1-005938-en-US A
In-clinic, Ultrasound-guided Facet Block
In-clinic, Ultrasound-guided Facet Block
06:04 | English | 04/25/2024 | VID1-005937-en-US A
Endoscopic Approach to Transforaminal Discectomy
Endoscopic Approach to Transforaminal Discectomy
Raymond J. Gardocki, MD
11:35 | English | 02/16/2024 | VID1-005944-en-US A

Allgemeine Dokumente & Listen (3)

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English | 01/24/2025 | pDOC1-001503-en-US A
Instrument Checklist
Instrument Checklist
English | 01/10/2024 | OF1-000455-en-US B

Animationen für die Patientenaufklärung (1)

Endoscopic Transforaminal Approach for a Herniated Disc
Endoscopic Transforaminal Approach for a Herniated Disc
03:11 | English | 08/14/2024 | pAN1-000579-en-US A

Broschüren (3)

Spine Resource Shortcuts
Spine Resource Shortcuts
English | 01/17/2025 | BR1-004430-en-US G
Transforaminal Approach for Discectomy Quick Reference Guide
Transforaminal Approach for Discectomy Quick Reference Guide
English | 01/09/2025 | LI1-000192-en-US A
Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution…
Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution…
English | 05/07/2024 | LB1-000440-en-US E

Diverses (2)

Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution
Join the Endoscopic Spine Evolution
01:55 | English | 02/12/2024 | VID1-004194-en-US C
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: The Curriculum Pathway
Endoscopic Approaches to Spine: The Curriculum Pathway
01:49 | English | 10/12/2023 | VID1-004141-en-US A

Kataloge (1)

Endoscopic Spine
Endoscopic Spine
English | 02/13/2025 | LB1-000396-en-US F

Kodierungsleitfaden (1)

Spine - 2024 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
Spine - 2024 Coding and Reimbursement Guidelines
English | 11/04/2024 | DOC1-001312-en-US D

Literatur zur Patientenaufklärung (2)

Guía del paciente sobre la discectomía lumbar endoscópica
Guía del paciente sobre la discectomía lumbar endoscópica
Spanish | 03/24/2025 | pLB1-000446-es-US A
A Patient’s Guide to Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
A Patient’s Guide to Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
English | 10/13/2023 | pLB1-000446-en-US A

Operationsanleitungen (1)

Lumbar Transforaminal Discectomy
Lumbar Transforaminal Discectomy
English | 01/20/2025 | LT1-000323-en-US A

Operationstechnik-Animationen (2)

Lumbar Transforaminal Lateral Endoscopic Approach for L5/S1 Discectomy
Lumbar Transforaminal Lateral Endoscopic Approach for L5/S1 Discectomy
03:25 | English | 09/25/2024 | AN2-000614-en-US A
Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy
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Produktdemonstrationen (4)

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00:49 | English | 08/23/2024 | AN1-000597-en-US A
FlexTip RF Probe Features and Benefits
FlexTip RF Probe Features and Benefits
00:39 | English | 04/25/2024 | AN1-000585-en-US A

SpeedPearls (3)

SpeedPearl: Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomies—Changing the Trajectory
SpeedPearl: Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomies—Changing the Trajectory
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01:08 | English | 09/27/2024 | VID1-005978-en-US B
SpeedPearl: Transforaminal Discectomies—Saving Time in the Case
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00:29 | English | 04/25/2024 | VID1-006026-en-US A

Wissenschaftsupdate (2)

Endoscopic Spine Learning Curve
Endoscopic Spine Learning Curve
English | 04/10/2024 | DOC1-001335-en-US B
Endoscopic Discectomy and Decompression
Endoscopic Discectomy and Decompression
English | 04/03/2024 | DOC1-001334-en-US A

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