Informationsmaterialien und Produkte
Lateral Ankle Reconstruction
Operationstechnik-Animationen | 02:46 | English | 08/29/2014 | AN1-00033-EN A
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Videos - OP-Anleitung (2)
Mini-Incision Brostrom Utilizing the Arthrex® Brostrom Repair System
Jorge I. Acevedo, MD
06:53 | English | 05/19/2015 | VID1-00449-EN A
ATFL & CFL Reconstruction: Using the Arthrex® Lateral Ankle Reconstruction Kit & Pre-Sutured Lateral Ankle Tendon Graft
Thomas O. Clanton, MD
07:21 | English | 07/07/2014 | VID1-00036-EN A
Broschüren (2)
Bio-Tenodesis™ Screw System
English | 09/26/2019 | LB1-0505-EN L
Cinco soluções para reconstrução de ligamentos e transferências ou reinserções tendíneas usando o sistema de parafusos Bio-Tenodesis
Portuguese | 06/18/2015 | LB1-0005-PT C
Kataloge (1)
Foot and Ankle: Next Generation in Foot and Ankle Technology 2023
English | 12/29/2022 | LB1-0450-en-US AH
Operationsanleitungen (2)
VersaGraft™ Presutured Tendon for Lateral Ankle Reconstruction
English | 06/03/2015 | LT1-0808-EN B
Five Comprehensive Solutions for Tendon and Ligament Reconstruction Using the Bio-Tenodesis™ Screw System
English | 12/18/2012 | LB1-0005-EN C
Operationstechnik-Animationen (1)
Lateral Ankle Reconstruction
02:46 | English | 08/29/2014 | AN1-00033-EN A
Presentation Videos (4)
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for the Treatment of Ankle Instability
Ryan B. Rigby, DPM
11:57 | English | 10/10/2017 | VPT1-00905-EN A
Innovations in Foot and Ankle Trauma for the Sports Surgeon
Todd Earhart
05:14 | English | 07/26/2017 | VPT1-00837-EN B
Foot and Ankle Innovation for Sports Surgeons: Lateral Ankle Instability
Kent Ellington, MD, MS
07:13 | English | 05/06/2016 | VPT1-00255-EN A
ArthroBrostrom® Repair: Is It As Good as the Open Technique?
Peter G. Mangone, MD
24:08 | English | 10/21/2014 | VPT1-00312-EN A
Videoreihen (1)
BreakThrough™ with Chris Adams, MD - Episode 2: InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Troy S. Watson, MD | J. Chris Coetzee, MD | Christopher Adams, MD | Gordon Mackay, MD
22:40 | English | 05/10/2017 | VPT1-00585-EN B
Videos von Fallpräsentationen (1)
InternalBrace™ Procedure for Lateral Ankle Ligament Augmentation: Case Presentation
Kaitlin C. Neary, MD
08:57 | English | 01/16/2025 | VID1-004139-en-US A