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Videos - OP-Anleitung (2)
All-Inside PIP Arthrodesis Technique with the Trim-It Drill Pin®
Luke Cicchinelli, DPM
13:52 | English | 05/27/2013 | VID1-0443-EN A
Proximal Interphalangeal Fusion For Claw & Hammertoe Deformity Using The Trim-It Spin Pin™
Gerard Bourke, MD
06:06 | English | 01/23/2008 | DVD-1098 A
Animationen für die Patientenaufklärung (5)
First Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Fusion with Lapidus Plate System
02:52 | English | 08/17/2017 | PAN1-00009-EN F
Artrodese van het eerste metatarsofalangeale gewricht
02:45 | Dutch | 01/01/2013 | PAN1-00009-NL A
Artrodesis de la artic. de la falange con el primer metatarsiano
02:50 | Spanish | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00009-ES A
Arthrodese des 1. Metatarsophalangealgelenks
02:45 | German | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00009-DE A
Arthrodèse de la première articulation métatarso-phalangienne
02:45 | French | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00009-FR A
Broschüren (6)
Compression FT Screw System
English | 06/22/2020 | LB1-0487-EN G
Trim-It Drill Pin® All-Inside Technique
English | 04/17/2019 | LS1-0443-EN B
Trim-It Drill Pin® - Técnica All-Inside
Spanish | 01/14/2016 | LS1-0443-ES A
Arthrex® Compression FT
Portuguese | 10/26/2015 | LS1-0487-PT C
Tornillos Compression FT de Arthrex
Spanish | 07/19/2015 | LS1-0487-ES D
Trim-It Drill Pin® - Técnica All-Inside
Portuguese | 07/03/2015 | LS1-0443-PT A
Kataloge (1)
Foot and Ankle: Next Generation in Foot and Ankle Technology 2023
English | 12/29/2022 | LB1-0450-en-US AH
Operationsanleitungen (1)
RetroFusion™ Implant for PIP Joint Arthrodesis
English | 02/09/2017 | LT1-00041-EN B
Operationstechnik-Animationen (2)
Trim-It Drill Pin® All-Inside Technique
01:03 | English | 07/26/2012 | AN1-0443-EN A