Interne Fixierung von Sprunggelenkfrakturen

Die von Arthrex angebotenen Optionen für die interne Fixierung von Sprunggelenkfrakturen decken sowohl Knochen- als auch Weichteilgewebeverletzungen ab:

  • FibuLock-Fibulanagelsystem
  • Sprunggelenkfrakturmanagementsystem
  • Sprunggelenksystem aus Titan
  • Syndesmosen-TightRope XP-Implantatsystem
  • AITFL-InternalBrace-Bandaugmentation
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Die von Arthrex angebotenen Optionen für die interne Fixierung von Sprunggelenkfrakturen decken sowohl Knochen- als auch Weichteilgewebeverletzungen ab:

  • FibuLock-Fibulanagelsystem
  • Sprunggelenkfrakturmanagementsystem
  • Sprunggelenksystem aus Titan
  • Syndesmosen-TightRope XP-Implantatsystem
  • AITFL-InternalBrace-Bandaugmentation
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Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Repair Using the FibuLock® Nail

John T. Riehl, MD
Presentation Videos | 03:53 | English | 10/05/2018 | VPT1-00996-EN B

FibuLock® Fibular Nail Experience

Charles J. Jordan, MD
Presentation Videos | 03:12 | English | 03/05/2019 | VID1-01468-EN A
Ankle Fracture Management System
Ankle Fracture Management System
Operationstechnik-Animationen | 02:42 | English | 09/27/2010 | AN1-00127-EN A
FibuLock® Fibular Nail Surgical Technique
FibuLock® Fibular Nail Surgical Technique
Operationstechnik-Animationen | 05:24 | English | 01/16/2019 | AN1-00284-EN B
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
Operationstechnik-Animationen | 02:15 | English | 01/24/2018 | AN1-00289-EN B
Ankle Fracture Management System
Ankle Fracture Management System
Operationsanleitungen | English | 09/21/2021 | LT1-00109-EN C

Videos - OP-Anleitung (6)

AITFL Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure in a Weber C Ankle Fracture
AITFL Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure in a Weber C Ankle Fracture
Justin Fleming, DPM
07:40 | English | 11/24/2021 | VID1-01077-en-US B
Posterior Plating of the Fibula With the Posterolateral Anatomic Distal Fibula Plate
Posterior Plating of the Fibula With the Posterolateral Anatomic Distal Fibula Plate
Kirk A. McCullough, MD
03:43 | English | 04/26/2019 | VID1-000028-en-US B
Ankle Fracture ORIF Utilizing the Syndesmosis TightRope® Fixation
Ankle Fracture ORIF Utilizing the Syndesmosis TightRope® Fixation
J. Chris Coetzee, MD
05:38 | English | 07/30/2018 | VID1-00606-EN E
Dual Syndesmosis TightRope® Implant System
Dual Syndesmosis TightRope® Implant System
Norman E. Waldrop III, MD
05:54 | English | 01/05/2018 | VID1-01228-EN A

Animationen für die Patientenaufklärung (1)

Ankle Fracture Repair with Arthrex® Fracture Management System
Ankle Fracture Repair with Arthrex® Fracture Management System
03:08 | English | 04/12/2018 | PAN1-00001-EN C

Bestandskontrollformular (2)

Broschüren (2)

Sistema de tratamento de fratura no tornozelo
Sistema de tratamento de fratura no tornozelo
Portuguese | 05/18/2016 | LB1-0439-PT F
Sistema para el manejo de las fracturas de tobillo
Sistema para el manejo de las fracturas de tobillo
Spanish | 02/10/2016 | LB1-0439-ES F

Kataloge (1)

Operationsanleitungen (5)

Ankle Fracture Management System
Ankle Fracture Management System
English | 09/21/2021 | LT1-00109-EN C
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
English | 09/17/2021 | LT1-00132-en-US C
Sistema de implante TightRope® XP para sindesmosis
Sistema de implante TightRope® XP para sindesmosis
Spanish | 12/01/2020 | LT1-00082-es-NT D
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
English | 02/26/2019 | LT1-00082-EN D
Dual Syndesmosis TightRope® Implant System
Dual Syndesmosis TightRope® Implant System
English | 04/11/2017 | LT1-00066-EN A

Operationstechnik-Animationen (6)

Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
02:41 | English | 06/07/2024 | AN1-000037-en-US B
FibuLock® Fibular Nail Surgical Technique
FibuLock® Fibular Nail Surgical Technique
05:24 | English | 01/16/2019 | AN1-00284-EN B
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Implant System
02:15 | English | 01/24/2018 | AN1-00289-EN B
Medial Hook Plate
Medial Hook Plate
Todd M. Oliver, MD
01:54 | English | 05/05/2014 | AN1-00038-EN A
Lateral Hook Plate
Lateral Hook Plate
Todd M. Oliver, MD
01:59 | English | 05/05/2014 | AN1-00037-EN A
Ankle Fracture Management System
Ankle Fracture Management System
02:42 | English | 09/27/2010 | AN1-00127-EN A

Presentation Videos (7)

FibuLock® Fibular Nail Experience
FibuLock® Fibular Nail Experience
Charles J. Jordan, MD
03:12 | English | 03/05/2019 | VID1-01468-EN A
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture
Andre J. Pagliaro, MD
03:37 | English | 10/22/2018 | VID1-01456-EN A
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Repair Using the FibuLock® Nail
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Repair Using the FibuLock® Nail
John T. Riehl, MD
03:53 | English | 10/05/2018 | VPT1-00996-EN B
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Dislocation
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Dislocation
Andre J. Pagliaro, MD
02:01 | English | 10/04/2018 | VID1-01454-EN A
Lower Leg Fracture Management for the Sports Medicine Surgeon
Lower Leg Fracture Management for the Sports Medicine Surgeon
Andrew R. Hsu, MD
11:06 | English | 08/31/2018 | VID1-01343-EN C
Ankle Fixation with the Arthrex Ankle Set
Ankle Fixation with the Arthrex Ankle Set
John T. Riehl, MD
05:13 | English | 04/11/2018 | VPT1-00995-EN B
Management of Ankle Fracture/Dislocation Utilizing Titanium Anatomic Distal Lateral Fibular Plate
Management of Ankle Fracture/Dislocation Utilizing Titanium Anatomic Distal Lateral Fibular Plate
Justin Fleming, DPM
07:12 | English | 03/30/2018 | VPT1-00885-EN D

Sieblisten (1)

Ankle Fracture Management System (AR-8943S)
Ankle Fracture Management System (AR-8943S)
English | 10/28/2022 | OF1-00124-EN D

Videos von Fallpräsentationen (2)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for AITFL Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for AITFL Repair
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
03:03 | English | 01/10/2022 | VPT1-00939-en-US B
Ligament-Specific Fixation for Syndesmosis Injuries
Ligament-Specific Fixation for Syndesmosis Injuries
Thomas G. Harris, MD
02:42 | English | 11/29/2021 | VID1-000587-en-US B

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